Our Haskap Story

10 Years in the Making!

A Letter from the CEO + owner of The Better Berry Co (formerly Sweet Prairie Haskap)

Hey there,

Let me tell you a story about how a little-known berry from Canada made a big difference in my life.

In 2021, I lost my mother to chronic health issues and was dealing with my own health struggles, including gut issues and debilitating migraines. Around the same time, my husband Mark was investing in Canadian small businesses centered around the haskap berry from the prairies of Saskatchewan.

I started drinking haskap extract every day and quickly noticed a big difference. My energy improved, my stomach issues cleared up, and I went a whole month without a migraine. Doing some deep dives into research I came to know that this miracle berry few people had heard of was responsible for memory improvement, increases in energy and significant inflammation improvement.

I threw myself into promoting Sweet Prairie Haskap at farmers markets and local stores. I told anyone who would listen about how this “better berry” could help with everything from arthritis to fatigue to chronic pain - and people started buying it. Customer after customer came back with stories of how much it had helped them. And now you can find Sweet Prairie Haskap - soon to be known as The Better Berry Co. at all Erewhon Markets in Los Angeles! 

This business has given me the chance to help others who, like me, were struggling to find something that worked. I couldn't be more grateful for the change it's brought into my life.

I am now leading this business and have rebranded it “The Better Berry Co”. Why? Because our California Farmer’s Market customers repeatedly call us “The Better Berry”. While I started into this business because of the amazing taste of haskap, I am absolutely amazing at the consistent feedback we get about how well haskap reduces inflammation and improves overall wellness. While all berries are good, our haskap just happens to have more red in it and is very good at managing inflammation.

With love,

Courtney Wilson